Uniquely His


POSTED IN: Blog, Engagements

It’s starting to feel like Spring here in Louisville, Kentucky and we took full advantage last week! Casey and John have to be one of the most genuine and fun-loving couples I’ve gotten to work with over the last few months. Their wedding inquiry came in a couple months ago and in Casey’s own words […]

Love at first sight, pleated pants and fur babies brought these two together! Let me introduce you to Drew and Dinah, who are getting married in less than 50 DAYS!! WHOOHOO!  She says it best when she said, “I saw Drew on his first day at work in his Dad’s pleated pants and thought, “oh, […]

The hunt for fall color was on for this engagement session! These two are the absolute sweetest and they were up for a bit of an adventure! We got together really late in the fall season and were worried there wouldn’t be much color left. After meeting at the square and exploring LaGrange, we headed […]

“Will You Marry Me?”  Ah! It’s here! The question you’ve dreamed about for so long time! If you’re anything like I was, the moment you said yes was such a blur. Excitement, tears, pop the champagne, tell the world, it’s time to celebrate!!  January and February are such an exciting time around here, because it’s […]

I’m so glad we live in a world with Kentucky Octobers. As I sit here enjoying some hot chocolate, buried beneath my fuzzy Christmas blanket (that I refuse to put away yet) I’m thinking back to what an amazing last few months it’s been. While winter is a close second, fall is my absolute favorite […]

POSTED IN: Blog, Engagements

Photographing friends and family is always so special, especially when it’s an adorable love like this. I loved getting to see where they live in Kansas and the day was absolutely gorgeous! Let me introduce you to my cousin Shannon and her fiance Steuart!  They fell in love over Deadpool, lots of laughs, drinks and […]

POSTED IN: Blog, Engagements

I love exploring with new friends! Abbie and Brett are counting down the days to their June wedding and heading to Abbie’s home in Tennessee. From their first date watching cops to some friendly sports rivalries (go Cards!) learning more about these two was such a good time. We found some gorgeous evening light in […]

POSTED IN: Blog, Engagements

Jessica and Patrick are about as sweet as they come. What I loved most about our time together is that they completely trusted me. They didn’t have locations in mind or a strong vision for their session, so we took a little tour around downtown Louisville and Waterfront areas for their engagement session. It was […]

These sweet faces make me smile! (And just wait until you see their gorgeous puppy!) Let me introduce you all to David and Liz; some really special people and clients. If you don’t have the privilege of knowing them, then I’ll just share that they are some of the most genuine, hard working and FUN […]

POSTED IN: Blog, Engagements

I just love fall! The bright colors, crisp air and all around pep in my step that I feel in this season give me a huge smile. Getting to explore awesome locations with my clients makes this season even more special. Jared and Jessica are part of the reason I just love my job! They […]

a little extra joy


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