Uniquely His


POSTED IN: Blog, Engagements

Photographing friends and family is always so special, especially when it’s an adorable love like this. I loved getting to see where they live in Kansas and the day was absolutely gorgeous! Let me introduce you to my cousin Shannon and her fiance Steuart!  They fell in love over Deadpool, lots of laughs, drinks and […]

POSTED IN: Blog, Engagements

I love exploring with new friends! Abbie and Brett are counting down the days to their June wedding and heading to Abbie’s home in Tennessee. From their first date watching cops to some friendly sports rivalries (go Cards!) learning more about these two was such a good time. We found some gorgeous evening light in […]

These sweet faces make me smile! (And just wait until you see their gorgeous puppy!) Let me introduce you all to David and Liz; some really special people and clients. If you don’t have the privilege of knowing them, then I’ll just share that they are some of the most genuine, hard working and FUN […]

POSTED IN: Blog, Engagements

I just love fall! The bright colors, crisp air and all around pep in my step that I feel in this season give me a huge smile. Getting to explore awesome locations with my clients makes this season even more special. Jared and Jessica are part of the reason I just love my job! They […]

Often when there’s a threat of rain, I’ll get a panicked call about options, scheduling and what to do. I was so thrilled these two trusted me when I said, I’d love to go for it despite the weather! The rain sprinkles and overcast sky were the perfect setting for our adventure through Louisville. Jacquelyn […]

POSTED IN: Blog, Engagements

“Haha, so were you a jerk and blew him off?” I jokingly asked, Val.  “Actually, yes! I totally studied instead!!” We all had a big ol’ belly laugh as we relived the time these two met at Murray State. While Josh was interested immediately, and tried several ways to put himself in situations to be […]

How old were you when you met your spouse? I know I’ve asked this question before, but I just love Abby and Clint’s story! They both grew up in the same small town of Springfield, Ky, attended the same Catholic grade school (K-8th) and the same Catholic church. (The same church they got married in!) […]

Oh. My. Goodness. You guys, I don’t know how it happens over and over again, but I honestly have had THE SWEETEST clients this year! When I first heard from Megan for her wedding photography inquiry this September, I knew right away she was someone I would love to work with. She was down to […]

If you’re married or have a significant other, how old were you when you met? I’m genuinely curious!  Brandon and Shelby were in grade school when they first met! Growing up in Louisville, they have such a sweet story. From a surprise  beach proposal during a family vacation in Florida, that Brandon “wasn’t able” come […]

I just love my city. Sometimes before a session I’ll arrive a little early to just sit and soak in the environment. Last week’s engagement session was no different, and as I walked along the river the Belle of Louisville went chugging by. Ashley and Brian love Louisville too! This sweet couple are so tender […]

a little extra joy


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